
Boots & The City : Where Are We? -Day 3

May 31st- So Saturday was the day for Sham and I to relax, I had an appointment at B.Braxtons that morning and she was on her way to my place, I then get a phone call from her asking if it was raining, and indeed it was ( pouring ), we gotta start checking the weather Sham. I so wanted to cancel the day's activities because one thing we don't do is RAIN, but clearing up a few hours later we were on our way to Lexington Ave. but ended up in Parkchester ( don't ask don't tell, it was Sham's fault ). We need sponsors to get us an iPHONE, our Blackberry's don't have navigation, and Im not switching services...Im so serious about those sponsors... Im tired of getting lost!!

But let me take a moment to tell a few of my New York friends off, Im tired of yall givin us wrong directions!!, I was in some neighborhood where gangs were and I told Sham to hold her purse close to her heart. Finally making it to our destination 2 hrs later, we stopped at some diner and filled up because Monday we're back on our regular eating schedule ( not what you see pictured below). Im still confused, why do these expensive ass apartments in the sky not have a washer and me washing garments by hand in the sink singing negro spirituals like it's 1954. Question New York: Why is there only 1 restroom for customers to use in resturants and sit-downs?, I had to tell all the women in line that they might as well sit back down because as a man I didn't even use the restroom because it was N-A-S-T-Y, I'll never understand why New Yorkers have to share 1 restroom....never.Taxi ride back home, goodnight New York.

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