

Collection: Foreign Nyc
Model: Shaun Ross

Hi Sham & Marquis,
"I read your blog every morning, and you all always seem to the post coolest fashion pics and videos. One day I ran across an article you had on Shaun Ross and if it wasn't for you all I would have never known of him at this time. I'm an up and coming designer with alot of cool things in the works."....

Thanks again,
Aaric Akira

Anything business turns me on-I don't know how to explain this feeling-turning thoughts into reality tickles my fancy. Im a cheerleader for the risk takers-
Message. Method. Medium. So there's a new line coming out and me likey likey....the photography is sick, Hi Shaun. I have your info AA, I'll be calling you real soon...I have a few ideas. Yall do know that Im into branding companies and lines, so if ye know, send me way.

I use the word "into" because I hate titles. More to come people. Or more people to come? Whatever gets you off.