
iCON'Z Pick: American Music Awards 2007

The American Music Awards took place last night in Hollywood and I was definitely glued to my television set! The fashion and MOST of the performances were great, but my highlight of the night was known other than the beautiful Beyonce Knowles! After being nominated for 3 awards she walked away with none, but she did walk away with the International Artist of the Year award that has NEVER been won by a female. Get in! Micheal Jackson, Rod Stewart and Aerosmith are a few of the "icons" that have walked away with it in the past.

Now to the fashion of the night, Beyonce of course turned heads in a bronze/goldish Tina Knowles creation that fitted her perfectly and during her performance she sported another one of Tina's creations (a leather coat that was sick o ning, and the latest balenciaga shoes!). Ashanti was cute, didn't really move me, Rihanna looked cute, wasn't feeling the crimped chop much, but she's still learning so I guess its ok and Avril Lavigne could have definitely stayed at home! Overall the show was really exciting and had ALOT of performances, it gave me a free summer concert tease! LOL! Catch pics of the red carpet and the performances that I personally enjoyed after the jump!

((and the award goes to... ME!))