So this week has been madd krazy for me, LB has some new things in the works and we hope you like it. I've been working really hard, trying to bring something new and I do this because I love it. This has been the most challenging, yet liberating season-From my move to Atlanta to my projects. I would really like to thank all my people who held me down, cause I've lost friends and all kinna wack $hit has happened but I keep working, Im never gonna stop, but I do wonder what it all really means.
Where have I been? I've been in the house all week trying to study for my final exams (( this is the last week of school )), and I've missed almost every function and event. I needed to get out and reflect on the new year, so I called up one of my best hommies, Vinnet, who is a killer photographer to have lunch and to test shoots for our next campaign. We ate at one of our favorite spots "The Flying Biscuit" and we took a tour of our school, Morehouse College. 

Because of YOU, my vision for LateBoots has come to life, and I just keep working and elevating my sense of style and love for the fashion industry. I swear we live and breath this "stuff" and it's only a matter of time until we can live out our dreams.