

" Decades" that is how I would describe our fashion trends of 2007. We've seen everything from 1980's bright crazy colors to 1940's high waisted pants for women to bell bottoms to flat Top haircuts. I think everybodyhad a enjoyment of dressing either 80's or what we refer to as " Vintage".
I myself experienced dressing 80's which seamed to be popular especially on the streets in most places. Overall I think most people enjoyed the whole different decade look and it brought out most peoplecreative side but not for all! Im curious to see what 2008 trend will be and how you can predict look at whats popular now but not so popular right now. sounds crazy but thats how trends become!!

Kelis! you are definitely the "BOSS" of fashion. Although 2007 wasn't Kelis big year she still proved that she had style. In my opinion Kelis's style is so SICK and innovative. She always seams to be the trend setter from her curly wild colorful hair, to her short cut blonde hair. Every outfit she puts on is very unique, It could be the simplest outfit but somewhere on that outfit there is going be a twist with it. As a male, to me there are not alot of female stars who style stick out to me but, I admire her style alot and in 2007 she still amazed me by coming hard with different looks, the one thing that sticks out to me about Kelis is that she never looks the same and she has that edginess that makes her different from the rest.
