You have quite a list of under your belt; tell the readers your career title and how you got into the industry?
I'm doing what I'm doing because I knew the right people. I went to school but if it wasn't for knowing who I needed to know there's no telling what I'd be doing.
Let’s see, my career title would be "Regular ol Ty". It’s hard to describe what I do because I've never sat and thought about it because it’s inborn and natural. I am 1/4th of "Leaders 1354 Chicago" (Mike, Vic, Corey and Ty). Its only 4 of us we all have roles. Between stores we work the sales floor, do the buying, attend the trade shows, pay the bills, unpack new merchandise and everything else you can think of. Other than the occasional intern it’s just us. So if you've ordered something and it was a tad bit slow getting out, now you know why.
Describe the daily routine of Ty?
My daily routine involves the store either directly or indirectly. Dealing wit customers one on one, looking over line sheets, ordering, designing hats/apparel, and searching the net of course. When I'm off I’m out checking out other stores in town or out of town to see what’s going on in the field, sourcing or packing up merchandise ordered from the web that need to be shipped.
What inspires you?
I'm an easy going carefree guy. I'm inspired by just being able to wake up each morning.
What's your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is to stay in business. Told you I'm a simple guy.
How would you describe you style?
I don't think I have a style truthfully. If anything its cosmopolitan. I put on shirts, shoes, pants, and jackets like everyone else. Some people fail to realize that having to verbally tell someone they’re “fresh" isn't fresh. Its like produce at the grocery store, you know what's good and what's bad by looking at it.

What's your opinion on the current state of streetwear
There are at least 2 line sheets in our email from a new streetwear line
on daily basis. Out of a week of emails there still might not be one line that we'd like to pick up. Everyone wants to print a tee and send out a line sheet but nobody wants to put in work to have a great clothing line. Streetwear is recovering from the blustering allover prints and gaudiness. "Clean" is reemerging as the new norm which in turn will give high end designer brands competition. I'm hoping the future brings forward more innovativeness and originality.
Describe what your duties are being a boutiques owner?
The "owner" word is so strong. The fellas and I are partners. Definitely a team effort. Keeping new merchandise in the store and pay the bills. That's always the first order of business. What some new boutiques fell to realize is that if you don't pay your bills you have business.
What's your definition of beauty?
Natural and effortless. Simple as that.
What's your philosophy?
I live by the laissez-faire philosophy. "Let do, let
pass". I'm all for the noninterference in the affairs
of others. I do what I'm supposed to do and that's it.
As a boutique owner who would you say your target
audience is?
With a business like ours if we focused too much on a target audience we'd loose out on those who could be potential target customers. Our customers range from about 15-50. We carry about 70 brands (accessories, footwear, denim, tees, etc) which equates to us having something for everyone.
What is your most popular item that is sold the most
in your boutique?
Our New Era hats by far. We've only been in the fitted market for 8 months and in that short span we've put out about 35+ hats. I and the other guys from the shop have always had a love for fitteds so we sit down and design our hats we put that love into it. We have 9 hats slated to be in at the end of February. Just because we have our own hats that don’t make us bias either. You might come in the shop and one of us will be wearing a GOODS in Seattle, Goodfoot in Canada, PHLI or St.Alfred in Chicago, Bodega in Boston, Walters in Atlanta, Huf/True in SF, or Commonwealth in VA fitted.
In the fashion industry styles are constantly
changing, especially street fashion. Do you find it
hard to make sure you have the latest sneakers that
go along with the latest street fashion?
I'd say the past 2 years companies have made it easy for retailers. They've been looking at upcoming samples of sneaker and basing there lines off that. Last year for example 10Deep's spring ling tied back with the Air Jordan Aqua VIII's. Its second nature to us. With use being in retail for so long new brands automatically seek us.
Since there are many boutique's throughout the country
from NY to L.A and even down to Atlanta, what makes
your boutique different from the rest?
We've been in business 5 now and that's unheard of in retail nowadays. We've always prided ourselves as being a lifestyle boutique from day one so that separated us from the rest. Jeans, sneakers, outwear, accessories, from the best brands that you don't see in the malls.
Having the latest sneakers in your boutique, what
sneakers are currently hot now on the streets?
The Nike reign is slowly crumbling. The slutting of the Air Force 1, Dunk, and Jordan has made the other brands more appealing. Reebok, Alife, Vans, Clae Shoes, Creative Recreation, Pointer Footwear and Supra all have been doing great. Me personally all I need is a pair of white Stan Smith's (navy or green) or some Jack Purcells and I'm good to go.
What "big" plans do you have for your boutique in the
near future?
The future is looking bright. We're working on collabs with other stores and brands, having our fitteds in a few shops abroad, focusing more on our "Leaders1354" brand.
I'm currently putting the finishing touches on our first shoe collaboration with Reebok that should be ready in April. Here's some background on our shoe. Chicago's transit system was the inspiration behind the "Leaders1354 Jam". The red, yellow, blue, green, brown, orange, purple, and pink line trains are all represented on the "grey" train like shoe. A map of the transit system can be seen through the transparent sole. Our shop motto will be printed in the insole. There will be 100 pairs total being split up between the South Side and North Side locations. The red stripes representing the South Side's Red line and Blue Stripes for the North Side's Blue line.
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