
Designer Spotlight: Gucci on TOP

According to GUCCI has been named the #1 brand in the world! "In the latest survey, one in five global consumers said they would choose to buy Gucci (over any other luxury brand) if money was no option, making the Italian fashion brand that was revived by Tom Ford in the 1990’s the most coveted and aspirational luxury brand in the world today."

I am personally not shocked that GUCCI was declared this title. Simply because they have been around soooo long and every popular rapper and or music artist has sung about wearing it, and so on... Therefore they have been put on the forefront to be noticed... I personally love GUCCI but I do think that society is over saturated with it. I prefer a less popularized label any day.. Congrats GUCCI!

((....they're doing something right!))

iCON :)