So it's been 2 days since the official Project X model call and again I must admit that I am in love with all of the girls that were picked for this years final show! I'll be taking my personal camera behind the scenes and will give you access to what happens next. So today some of the guys and girls were cut, the first of many.

Today was hected, after looking at over 100 models everyone started to look the same, I really never knew how much it took to put on a fashion show. iCON, I don't see how you do it, I respect your craft!! Cause I was ready to go!! But I did enjoy seeing the girls walk.

Above is ofcourse iCON, and I really liked Corey's Crooks and Castle sweat shirt, dope right Sham!!, and the one and only Tayo-he teaches all the models how to walk! Tayo tips!! So until the next practice, stay up peoples!!
m a r q u i s . p h i f e r