Three-time Grammy Award winning artist and latest M.A.C VIVA GLAM spokesperson, Fergie, is using her voice to further raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS crisis in youth. Along with Poet-Name-Life, she has recorded 'VIVA GLAMOROUS', a remix of her hit song 'Glamorous', as an added contribution to her VIVA GLAM VI campaign. A limited number of free downloads of the remix and VIVA GLAM E-cards will be available March 25, 2008 on maccosmetics.com. The E-cards reinforce Fergie's Responsibility is Glamorous message by pairing her sexy VIVA GLAM visual with alarming AIDS facts that concern youth. She also encourages people to buy a M.A.C VIVA GLAM VI Limited Edition Lip-glass, the sales of which benefit the Global Youth Prevention Initiative. The M.A.C AIDS FUND directs the funds from this initiative to international organizations that address the AIDS crisis in young people. The remix will also be available in April on M.A.C websites in the U.K., France, Australia and Germany.
((...I'm LIVING for her in this.))
iCON :)