As you already know, my girl Whitney (BIG Phish) snatched the title of ANTM from Anya (BEAT Phish) and she is going to wear it proudly! After catching the finale via
YOU-TUBE, I saw exactly why she was chosen. Anya was definitely the more high-fashion, and edgier model but she lacked a presence and an over-all aura that could catapult her more into the industry. On the other hand Whitney took beautiful pictures and proved that she had the confidence and sponk to make her stand out! She ate it.....(and NOT Literally!!)

...OMG. I love when they do these shoots because Tyra Banks lets have and she always compliment and blends with them perfectly. Oh, by the way, did anyone notice how this finale's fashion show was real.... cheap looking? They were rocking Versace gowns, and walked on a college runway! Get it together for Cycle 11 Ty-Ty!
Catch her "Cover-Girl" shot after the jump....
((...finally... Team "Big-Girl" wins!))
iCON :)
