Lastnight I attended an event by Uptown Magazine, they were celebrating their Barrack Obama cover and the place was packed with industry professionals. I was introduced to the CEO and Creative Director ( the title I will hold one day ) of Uptown Mag and as we were talking I looked up and saw June Ambrose. Now Im sure many of you know of her, I LOVE HER. So as I was introduced to her she said to me " you know I saw you over there sitting down talking and I said to myself, well isn't he chic." I was ready to leave after that. Yall don't get it. Lol-so as I made my way out I ran into LB reader Latoya Gordon!! She was all smiles and we chit chatted for awhile. It was so nice to meet you and all your friends!! and tell everyone at the office I said hi!!!

m a r q u i s . p h i f e r