
Bevy & Emil + Hennessy= My Favorite Things

A few nights ago "Hennessy and Bevy Presented a Screening of Hotel Gramercy Park," a movie that captures the rumored, druggie-riddled, Bohemian past of the Gramercy Park Hotel and its transformation under the hands of Ian Schrager into the elegant establishment it is today. And two of my favs were there!! I love these two.Ok so let me confess, while I was in New York I was working at GIANT Magazine in the Fashion Department under Aixa Weekes & Kenyatta Smith-lovely ladies. Most who are familiar with publications know that Emil Wilberkin was appointed Editor-in-Chief of GIANT from Vibe Magazine-I had the pleasure of speaking with him on occasions. To my surprise Emil actually reads LateBoots and he really likes what we do!! so that really means alot, like that's a big deal. Im also releasing one of my biggest secrets-Bevy Smith. This lifestyle specialist is my mentor and I absolutely love her. We have lunches, round tables, she gives me advice-she's like my second mother and I want her all to myself. Expect more Bevy on LateBoots....I can't say too much.

( our lunch post coming soon )...

June 4th 2008-"Well I see you're holding it down, welcome aboard"-Emil Wilberkin to me.

( see Emil I remembered!! )

m a r q u i s . p h i f e r