She walks in with an oversized white v-neck, jacket resting on the shoulders, skinny jeans and knee high boots-this girl is everything-simple chic. Last week we walked in restaurant number 2, Parish on Highland Ave-they serve some of the best sandwiches. Finding a good restaurant in any city is hard so whenever I get a craving of some sort I always call my best girl Sydney-she knows where all the spots are in Atlanta. If she gives it the green light then I know it's good-she has yet to send me in the wrong direction.
Being a Food Connoisseur we love to hit up places that are low key-which I've noticed serve the best food. Since our last outting at Star Provisions I've been stuck on these sandwiches, that's all I've been eaten for the past week or so. At Parish I ordered the turkey sandwich and you have to have a glass of their fresh mint lemonade, it's the best.

m a r q u i s . p h i f e r