Title: Lisa Minelli 1964
Artist: Andy Warhol
It's March and I already feeI overwhelmed with my syllabus, Im spending my weekdays writing papers, studying the french language and planning my first event. So when the weekend approaches I spend my Saturday mornings reading and watching documentaries, accompanied by a bowl of Crunch Berries and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My mother interrupted my learning session by asking me if she should wear a black dress with tights or a suit for today. I replied, what type of suit, she said "just a regular suit". Oh mother I replied, there is no such thing as a regular black suit. How is it cut, what is the material!! So I just spent the last 30 minutes showing my mother how to use and navigate Style.com, I said "see you just click on the designer and look at the collection, that way you'll be knowledgeable of the current state of fashion". So I told her to pick a collection and she randomly clicked on Gareth Pugh Fall 09 and gave me this confused look, and that is when I realized fashion was generational and for those who had a love for it.
To continue my morning class, click here for what I was watching.