Details: Another Warhol piece, this one of Muhammad Ali, went for $8.3 million.
The Email:
My name is Raun and I am a 22yr old Design student from New York (Brooklyn). I’m currently enrolled in FIT where I’m Majoring in Menswear Fashion design. My reason for writing you this letter is to let you know how much of a huge inspiration you are to me, You & Sham both. I know she’s so Brooklyn. I’m from Brooklyn too ….Born and raised. Anyhow I learned about Lateboots back in late 2008 when I was interning in the Fashion Dept @ VIBE magazine. Once I started going to your site I became addicted I work Fulltime for FEDEX and I’m always checking your site during lunch breaks Lol. Im starting to put together my Menswear collection for F/W 2010.. Maybe I could send you some sample shots and you give me your opinion of my work. But anyway I don’t want to keep you I’ll be in Atlanta around June or July so maybe we’ll bump into each other..
*P.S* A couple of months ago you put up A post about Dieting, And how to lose excess weight, Well back then (3 months ago) I weighed two fifteen(215) Now I’m one seventy four(174) My target weight loss is one seventy. Thanks for that push I needed it.
Im absolutely thrilled that I could be of help during your transition into the person you're becoming. I think growth is very important, as we are not yet the person we're suppose to be, but being content with the person that we are is just as important. Whether it's with your weight or the simple choices in life, self-improvement should be the platform. I have to be honest, when I first started blogging I did it because there was no outlet for the underdogs and after reading Benjamin Franklins "Autobiography" everything in my life has become clearer. It's all about people who strive for excellence; the student who interns and has a part-time job, even being chic on a budget. I believe we are the new generation and Im honored and scared of the impact that Im having on my generation.