
History Books: Fix Your Face.

Photo: Makin Curry of Red Modes NYC

With a campaign entitled "Fix Your Face" Barc is storming into the beauty industry with a big bite. Barc is a new, specially formulated line of top shelf skin care products dedicated to helping you look and feel your best at all times. Created and tested to service the specific skin care needs of men, it's sensitive enough for the ladies in your life to borrow from time to time. And get this, Barc works for everyone, by design. No matter your skin type or skin tone. It's just that good. We take your skin seriously, because we know you do as well.

I'll admit that I will try every product atleast once, some people joke that my bathroom resembles Walgreens with all the facial products that I own, but hey I wanted to be a dermatologist back in the day--I was using myself as an experiment. Thank God I came up with the right formula.

So, fix your face.
Click link above
