Mini Powder Sugar Bath Soak
Pink Grapefruit

Bath Fizz Pop with Body Oil Filling
Pink Grapefruit
Naw I don't do showers, they too quick and make me feel cheap. Even as a young boy I've always been the one to take baths. With bubbles. My moms would run my bath water with crystals and shit, I was like yo this is the joint!! Bring on the oils. And I don't like those strong masculine body washes made for men, that shit stank and doesn't give me any experience. But check it, I ain't gonna lie, I got a thing for grapefruit baths ( I even slice fresh grapefruit and eat them when Im bathing ).
I use Neutrogena pink grapefruit acne body wash, which will keep your body free of breakouts and acne. It's very important to use these type of products for prevention, even if you don't have breakouts. You gotta have a clear face and body too, so stop using those cheap soaps. And yo, call me what you want but I put my white towels ( I only use white ) in the dryer for about 20 min so when I get out, they be hot!! Spa at the house. Im done.