The Prelude: Raised in the city of Philadelphia, at age 19, Dru Chris has already seen many of the pitfalls in place to confine his dreams. His influence, the lives his eyes have seen shaped by circumstance and his motivation, the very obstacles that have done the shaping. With determination and hustle, Dru Chris was admitted to Howard University, joining a legacy of go-getters and will continue studies in Fall ’09. In 2008, while attending Howard, Dru Chris joined the Commonwealth family (cmonwealth.com). Beginning as an intern at the Stussy Washington, DC branch but soon taken on as a full-time employee at the internationally acclaimed boutique. Working with Commonwealth has afforded much opportunity, with Dru Chris representing Stussy in Howard University’s renowned ‘Fashion Show’ and taking part in many of the high-profile festivities inside the Commonwealth doors.
The Hustle : Outside endeavors with Commonwealth, Dru Chris is known greater for his musical output, recently featured on the sites WeRideSepta and M&N Eminent, being heralded early as a rising force on music’s horizon (myspace.com/druchris). Quite the visionary, Dru Chris co-founded The Artists & Repertoire Music Collective, determined to further influence culture with music designed to inspire real growth in the somewhat bleak environments many of us come from. His first effort, Dru Chris’ The Arsonist, is currently in production, planned for a late-summer ’09 release with features including Philadelphia artist, Fel Mula. With the mantra, “Believe in the gift and the dream will be attained” shaping his frame of mind, Dru Chris the maverick, artist, poet, and performer is poised for success, already showing the hustle necessary to obtain it.
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