The night started off real conservative, I hit up the event for Mike Bloomberg--yes I can be real political when needed, you have to be able to mix with the fashion kids and the politicians. I saw my girl Ericka there and we planned a night out on Thursday. She drives a Porsche and works for Diddy. Ok so she doesn't like to brag but I do. It's something about career women, I love her. Then I saw Aixa, the Fashion Editor. Hours later I headed to Goldbar. I ran into Sham ( not planned ) and we did what we do best ( click flash pose flash ). Did a greet for those who knew us from this blog that we run. I came home at 3:41am. I have work in the morning. 3 meetings. Sweet dreams.
Turn the lights off.
Touch New York
240 W 52nd St,
Manhattan, NY 10019
389 Broome St.
New York NY 10013