The End ( please remove this site from your favorites or bookmarks ) and add the new location.
Will Return Soon...

I'd like to think that we've inspired and influenced a small percentage of our generation--according to the forwarded Blackberry email interruptions. We've grown up in almost 2 years and thousands have watched us via .com and when I personally selected indivuals to start a "fashion" blog I had no idea of how fast the tables would turn. I've lost alot of friends but I've won alot of bets. I've always been a man of casual luxury and for the past 2 years I've tried to stay humble--even when I didn't want to. I'm turning into a franchaise like a Houston Rocket and some even say I should write a small guide on How to go from an Outsider to an Insider in a Year but I feel as if I've already done that--please take a moment and scroll through our past ----post as we work on our future. You'll see us with some of your favorite influencers.
We've turned a peach into an apple and now we're in the kitchen working on our Birthday Cake. 25000990 is when we decided to go public and that same day 2 years later we will launch the 2nd invite of with a login membership; an invite only based site with tailored content for the second nation hustlers. Im' not accepting an award so I will keep this short--we would like to thank most if not all the "go getters" who worked with us since the internship began. We've been the source of all questions--how to plan the perfect party, obtaining flawless skin, favorite restaurant and club spots and even tips on how to be a lady. But to keep your mind at ease no we didn't break up, we're in it until the Last Call. Just think of it as if we're off getting work done and we have to have our recuperating time. When we're quiet that means something. We're not leaving, we'll make our second appearance soon.
Paris Is Burning.

By this week you should be familiar with these faces. Last Friday we ended the SoBe summer series with a bang. If you were there then you already know, but if you we're not then you should get your relevance up so next summer you could be listed. I must take my hat off to my new family, Epiphany held the city hostage for 6 weeks, this summer was something I've never experienced. Funny cause now that it's over I'm bored.
I Can Feel All Eyes On Me.

Amber on what's next for her...
“I have Kanye’s ‘Robocop’ video. I’m playing a robot through the whole video. Ninety-five percent of the video is just me,” Amber said. I have Complex mag, Elle magazine, Persona magazine — I have the cover to the back, the whole issue is dedicated to me,” she said of her upcoming publicity appearances. “I’m excited about that. … I definitely welcome it,” she added. “I appreciate all my fans. I definitely never expected it. I don’t wanna say I never wanted it. But … I just know a lot of girls, they go to modeling agencies every single day. That’s their life. A lot of stuff … just landed in my lap. I thank God for that; it’s really a blessing. I thank God for that — and Kanye, of course. Kanye definitely gave me the fast track to the top.” via source

Pizza places are on every corner but rarely do I find myself craving a piece. Either way, when you're on the streets of New York you find yourself asking for a slice. Sigh, let me get a regular and extra crispy. Reminds of me of Sal's Pizzeria in Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing" every time.
Famous Original Ray's Pizza
195 E. Houston
New York,NY
American Rapper.
Clip: Me at the Kanye West performance for G-Shock lastnight in New York
The performance was great, Amber Rose looked great and great things happened for me that night. On another note a fight broke out between American Idol's Constantine and an unknown man. Better yet Constantine got his a$$ whopped. Some say he grabbed the mans butt. How you doin? moment---who knows but it was a great night. I ran into Dj Cassidy and he told me that he comes to the blog everyday. His buttons were shipped out this morning.
That's all folks!
The performance was great, Amber Rose looked great and great things happened for me that night. On another note a fight broke out between American Idol's Constantine and an unknown man. Better yet Constantine got his a$$ whopped. Some say he grabbed the mans butt. How you doin? moment---who knows but it was a great night. I ran into Dj Cassidy and he told me that he comes to the blog everyday. His buttons were shipped out this morning.
That's all folks!

Take Note:
"When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say , the more likely you are to say something foolish."
source: The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene
Clip: The Label Whore Twins and I at the Kanye West performance lastnight
The Label Whore Twins & I casually spoke at Kanye's performance lastnight for G-Shock. I had no idea they would be there but when I saw them I was not surprised. We did Ebony magazine together, we do stuntin together.
"Why u think the twins and phif we cool? Cause we assholes."-Waverly Watkins ( 1/2 of The Label Whore Twins)
The Label Whore Twins & I casually spoke at Kanye's performance lastnight for G-Shock. I had no idea they would be there but when I saw them I was not surprised. We did Ebony magazine together, we do stuntin together.
"Why u think the twins and phif we cool? Cause we assholes."-Waverly Watkins ( 1/2 of The Label Whore Twins)
I Always Stay Strapped Up.

My affair with the velvet shoe started in 2007, I ordered my first pair of Purple Label's and I felt like the male Cinderella. And since that day I've been turning out the balls. Something about them, they make me look taller.
Man Heels.

the seer
Details: black fine suede lace-up boot with exposed side zip. patent leather accent at back. 2.5” stacked architectural wooden heel. handmade in italy.
Follow The Leader.
Clip: Coltrane Curtis, Rickey Kim & Epiphany staff heads to crib
All Phi everything; you can even wear me on your back.
All Phi everything; you can even wear me on your back.
The Auction.

I'm working so HARD right now so when I graduate there will be a bidding war!! First round draft pick--fresh outta school with celeb stats.
Them Actors.

So my boy Pierre Downing hit me up telling me that he'll be staring in the NYC stage play "The Bronx Is Next" at the Riverside Theater August 6th-17th. The play is apart of two one act performances, and depicts the interracial racism, sexism and black militant movement in the late 60's. It centers around the "burning out of the ghettos" that took place in Harlem and the Bronx. Oh and my man is playing the second male lead role!! Seats can be purchased here.
Yes, Briana & I plan on stopping through!! You know we like that camera.
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