No make-up, no hair, STOP, I ain't finish yet. No make-up, no hair but still beat? Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you BEYONCE. If you can remember a few post back, I said that I love candid shots of Beyonce when she's not dolled up. Beyonce has been uping her style, from Balenciaga to Dolce & Gabbana gowns. Ofcourse we all knew she could afford it but after her Deena Jones transformation and her release of B'Day she has UPgraded her personal style. In the picture above-I love her shoes, her bag, her coat, bring the beat back. B was leaving The Spotted Pig where she enjoyed a private party with friends. I had gotten an invite too but I had final exams to study for so I couldn't make it. Lol. But below I've included a few of my favorite relaxed B moments.
