So, Im not sure if you've been sleeping on Top Model, but I haven't. I said I wasn't gonna put my emotions or feelings in this season, but Im in love with Saleisha. I hate when I fall in love because if they don't win I start cussing out Tyra calling her all types of things. My friend Kevin and I argue over Saleisha because he feel's she is boring and commercial. I say screw the rest, I love her. She has personality and she can be commercial (( which is what you have to be sometimes )) and she can be high fashion. But when did top model ever have a winner who was actually high fashion? If your contract is with covergirl you have to be commercial. I must admit, I thought Heather would win this season, but she was let go last episode (( yes )) so Saleisha has a good chance of winning..

Tune in every Wednesday on the CW network!!