I ran across this particular article on www.dailysquib.com and I was totally in awe. By this beginning picture you already know what this is giving...... So here we go. Basically White Christian Supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan has endorsed Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America. Yes. You read it right! Speaking from his Dawson Springs, Kentucky office, the Imperial Wizard exclaimed that anything or anyone is better than having that "crazy ass bitch" (Hillary Clinton) as President. This is the first time in Klan history that any member of the KKK has ever publicly supported an African American candidate for the presidency.

Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election and has donated thousands of dollars to Obama's election fund. "The "boy's" gonna do it. My Klan group has donated up to $250,000 to the Obama fund. Anything is better than Hillary Clinton. Hell I'll even adopt a black kid from Africa before I vote for Hillary." stated Monroe. "A few years back we were lynching negroes. Now we're gonna vote for one to be president of the US of motherfu**ing A, damn it! Anyone or anything is better than Hillary Clinton - anything!!" Placards for Barack Obama have been put up around the Klan's Headquarters and the KKK have announced a television ad campaign to support the African American candidate. I am really praying that Obama is protected severely when and if GOD blesses him to be placed in office.
**pics & verbiage courtesy of dailyscrib.com
((....this is serious people))