So as posted lastweek, Project X had their "final" model call for their last show and must I say the turn out was krazy. Hundreds of hopefuls walked the runway to selected beats and I then thought to myself, "we gon make it". Talented individuals they are. The Project X clan couldn't of asked for a better turn out because its the best group thus far. I brought my camera of course but I was sitting in as a judge so I didn't really get pics of the audience or the models. But you didn't really wanna see them anyway!!

From top to bottom: I bumped into The Beat Sisters, Model Tasha, Brian Patrick Davis and Lyndsey Smith. Along side with mr.iCON himself, Heather Morton and Lyndsey.
"We gon make it-mwa I'll kiss at you ni**as"- Jadakiss
m a r q u i s . p h i f e r