Rainy streets, loud horns and the scent of hot dogs being grilled to perfection..... The city never sleeps! Its is said that a city is generally an urban settlement with a large population, however a city may also be a settlement with a special administrative, legal, or historical status. Come with us as we journey on an expedition to the city of our dreams, New York has been our state of mind since Victoria met Beckham, and even way before Dereon moved into their house... So sit back, don't relax and keep on your Zanotti's as we venture on the story of our lives.... Boots & The City.... we gave you "all things fashion" in the Fall & Spring, now this Summer follow us and our daily lives as we take you inside the industry....this will be an adventure to remember....
"We decided that the viewers should see how hard we work, the dedication it takes in order to be a success, this summer we want you to witness our ups and downs, our hustles and grinds as we hold job duties to some of the top magazines and fashion houses in the apple. With the success of blogging it seems as if everyone is starting to do their own fashion blogs, it's becoming cliche, but LateBoots.com was the first that offered you black faces with different point of views, we will forever be the first as blogging is so popular among the followers...we've decided to focus on our lives and not the lives of this "fashion stuff". Just as everyone is starting to catch on we've moved on to another phase, It doesn't start nor will it end in New York but because so many people don't live out their dreams we wanted to take time off and live out ours, instead of posting about "fashion news" if you will, we will be posting about our lives in New York-you of course having front row so that we could possibly show you that all things are possible...-LateBoots
"I hope to attain the true essence of fashion while gaining more insight into the corporate world and my future. Also, financial independance, I can't call myself a man till I have reached it. After this summer in the city, a man is born."-Richy Ro$$
"As I gear up to take my place in this illustrious, intriguing, hard-working, inspirational, and pop-cultured inspired industry, all I desire to say is THANK YOU. Thank you Summer in advance for believing in me and my DREAMS well enough to get me here to you. It has been a vigorous, salty and well-fought fight and as I take on this brand new battle that is already WON (claiming it), I will always have in the front of my mind the reason why I am here and it's because of you. I pray for strength, knowledge, patience, humbleness, and most of all WISDOM to keep me focused and concrete in my goals and aspirations. My mom always wanted me to be prominent and guess what Avenue I am walking? The one called BLESSED. P.S. We all know who's Summer's alter-ego is right? (GOD you can't hide from me!) Keep me TUCKED in them... YOUR prayers that is."-iCON :)
"This summer I hope to gain many "Thank You and You're Welcome" moments. Goodbye Atlanta, you know me too well. I now reside under the green awning; soon you'll understand..."-Sham
"I ask that you not judge me by my journey, Im from the most royal court in the country, Im a half breed. I bless myself, I encourage myself. You can't be taught, you gotta catch this. Venture in the unfamiliar, shake things up, as I hustle and ride in the back seats of town cars, taxi's and G500's I ask that you do not touch my mantel, for I speak power to authority."
- m a r q u i s . p h i f e r
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