I came to New York to follow my dreams, I came for the labels and for the love of fashion. Im in love.
They say if you can make it in nyc you can make it anywhere, but who wants to be anywhere else. My addiction; clothes, clothes, clothes and cars. I found myself walking through Bryant Park almost in a tear of how I finally made it to my dreams, almost is the
correct word actually. The walking, the subways, the smell of roasted peanuts and the saying "excuse me" since everyone walks so fast is the prerequisite for New York. Have you ever thought to yourself "
what am I living for, what do I want to say" ....I've found my answer, I live for the labels-it wasn't an over-night thing, Im guessing I was born with it, Im
one voice in this big world, kinna intimidating but Im keenly aware of my talents and Im ready to exercise them, Im about to explode with all these ideas for the purpose of entertaining the public. Everyday I put on a
happy face, no matter what other's say, some people use to tell me I was crazy, I definitely know that Im not normal-Im guessing it makes more material for the book. If you were to ask me what do I plan on getting in return from New York, I want a job, yeah a job, people are looking, some people staring, I know where Im goin when people ask what Im wearing....
Im all dressed up.
m a r q u i s. p h i f e r