Sighs. Ok. Where do I start? Editor-in-Chief of the 2nd "Book of MY Life" Anna Wintour must be going out of her wits end right about now. Why? Yes. The un-thinkable is being discussed. According to sources Anna is up for being chopped as HBIC (Head BOB In Charge) LOL.
Anna Wintour is the same age as former editor-in-chief Grace Mirabella when she was removed. Gawker explained.
Teen Vogue has lost it's luster since being pinned down with that corny MTV show "The Hills", Men's Vogue recently lost it's editor to the "Journal" and the beacon Vogue is looking thin in this upcoming issue with the issues ad pages down 7% from last year — following on the the heels of four consecutive months being beaten out for ad pages by ELLE magazine. Whats going Anna? Been sniffing too much couture? Or maybe it's Andre's turn? Who knows. We will definitely keep you guys informed on this BREAKING NEWS!
((...i bet she try and pull a RIHANNA!))
iCON :)