Let me go back-our first day of meeting we were sent out to pick up garment bags from Prada I believe, at this time it's 90 something degrees in New York so Syd and I are strolling through the city, she's carrying 3 bags or more in pumps. Yes, pumps-so when I saw that I knew we would become friends. We literally had lunch together everyday and this girl can eat, no seriously. It was this one day we went out for lunch, I ordered 5 pieces of sushi and she ordered these big banjee nachos, after her taunting me I acted as if I was full but once she turned around I let those nachos have!!
So she always use to talk about Star Provisions because ny food was crappy, so finally when I ate there I realized why this is one of her favorite spots. I ordered the organic chicken sandwich and it was so good, sadly I could only eat half-Syd always makes fun of how little I eat, one time she ate a whole foot long at Subway, while I could barely finish the 6 inch. She says I eat like a bird, but her title is Syd The Food Connoisseur.
