Thank you New York for a great summer but Im back in Atlanta for the Fall and Im so excited. Classes are starting at the end of the month so I've returned early to get my schedule and my new apartment together. Now Im not even gonna front, when I think of decorating I think of going to a garage sale ( think vintage ) Wal-Mart or Ikea-they have the best for the money. That's some free advice from me to you. Im sure some of you are aware of kea and her powers!!! You can spend hundreds of dollars on decor if you want to but give me some pocket change and I'll give you Paris in the Spring. So today my friend Kj Stuckey and I went to Ikea and boy did we kill it.
Because my new room is real big Im going for a very open posh look-tons of flowers, fashion magazines all over the place, mannequins-Im weird. Since Im starting from scratch the people at Ikea let me take a few photo's for review to make sure I looked good in it-they even had a mock up of a closet that looked like Kimora's, it was FIERCE ( which is a late word by the way ).

Audrey Hepburn piece- 69.99

Kimora's closet.

After I checked out I couldn't help but get the fat free yogurt cone for $1-they said that and the 50. cent hot dog is a must, but see I don't do dogs ( on that Marcus Lloyd diet ) so I passed. I must admit, once I got home I was pissed to find out that I had to put the shit together myself.
So my bedroom still sits in the box.
m a r q u i s . p h i f e r