
Me & Kennedy Alfonzoe Pfeffer

This semester Im being more "school spirited" if that's even the correct word but Im over it so you know what Im trying to say. I know even Im surprised. Im attending football games, step shows, tailgates!!! Im student now. Girls, Girls, Girls I do adore so I had to attend Friday nights coronation ball for my school Morehouse College-and I put that in bold because I bought the rights to say that I attend that school. You know it's legendary for producing some of the greatest black men that this nation has seen. And I attend there. History repeats itself. Get what Im trying to say. Oh and peep my boy Aaron Reid.

( inserting we are the future )

Dont blame me but my infamous lip pouting and facial expressions is due to my alter ego Kennedy Alfonzoe Pfeffer. Im just a simple guy from Texas.

m a r q u i s . p h i f e r