Title: Haute Couture
Artist Name: Tanekeya Word
Alias: The Duchess of Art
Homebase: Milwaukee, WI (Hometown) DC Metro Area
Inspirations: Art, Literature, Pop-culture, Fashion, Design, Typology, Andy Warhol, Seurat, etc.
One word to describe your artwork: POPULAR
In your words define success: Success is living what you love
What do you love about the art industry? It's a grinder's paradise! I love a challenge because it builds my character; thus, making me stronger than ever before. I believe this industry is giving me the daily inspiration to progress and push myself to the limit...if there is a limit (I don't believe there is).
What do you dislike about the art industry? It is rare that an emerging artist will be put in major galleries or museums, unless the right person gives them a chance (which means its was just your time), because of the extensive waiting lists. Yet, I am a love hater on this matter because I believe that I am that rarity and will be in major museums and galleries soon. Everything has its season and I want to just be overly prepared when its mine then become the "denim" of the art industry: it breaks down all barriers and unites contemporary to traditional, almost everyone owns it, loves it and hates to part with their favorites; all in all its versatile and will last for centuries.
If you could own any piece (price isn't a factor) what would it be? An Andy Warhol Original depicting me...it may sound vain; but, that would be divine...LOL!
Where can your work be purchased? Limited Edition collector prints at www.tanekeyaword.com and small open edition prints at www.POPULAR.etsy.com email: popcoutureart@gmail.com for commissions or questions, I would love to hear from you.