I don't really do the sunglasses thing in the fall but the upcoming Fall collection from Super has me on a change of mind. Known heavily for their classic over-sized wayfarer style, Super is defiantly taking the eyes away from Ray-Bans. Seen on the faces of Kanye West to Sienna Miller and Mary-Kate Olsen. Designers Sean Michael Beolchini, Daniel and Simon Beckerman have created a buzz with the Italian eye-wear company based on one set style of eye wear. And you already know how I feel about it, if Kanye wears them they have an automatic fan base by default-just kidding. But check out more looks after the jump..
I think it's very important to surround yourself with a positive team of people. Fresh ideas are always grown. It's such an organic feeling when you've found your inner circle. Who do you influence?
She likes BBC. I like Lanvin.
We're back at it again. Another year a harder hustle. 2 different coast. New York-our future home. Atlanta-our playground. Sham & I work together because we are so different. She's has the swagg and I have the in your face attitude. It's the perfect mix. She's simple. Im complex. We never try too hard. All this comes natural.
She likes Pharrell. I like Kanye.
Sham & I met almost 2 years ago. From that moment I knew we would be partners in this game. I remember our first meeting, it was at a photoshoot for LateBoots. I walked in the room and said "hi Sham it's nice to finally meet you", then we just went to work. It was so natural.
She's Edie. Im Andy.
Since we are a duo so many people say we remind them of Edie Sedgwick & Andy Warhol. She's the girl everybody likes. Im the guy that everybody loves to hate. Im cocky, arrogant, an asshole at times yet she is the georgia peach. She really isn't. I just get blamed for everything because Im the obvious bad guy. She is worse than me.
She's Brooklyn. Im Harlem.
Summer '08 we both interned in New York. She did Complex and I was at GIANT Magazine. I stayed in Harlem and she was in Brooklyn. She hated coming to Harlem and I hated going all the way out to BK. For our move to NYC we're gonna share an apartment, we're tossing a coin to determine where we'll stay.
She likes Michael. I like Prince.
We always argue who's the best performer out of the two. I believe Prince was for obvious reasons. He had swagg, what man do you know can get away with wearing heels and make-up? If you ask me Michael did all of that work to his face so he could look like Prince.
She likes Nike. I like YSL.
I once tried to buy a pair of Nike sneakers but they were to boyish for me. Trade is what you call it. Nike called up Sham and she went to New York to make her very own sneaker. It was dope. I would wear it. But instead I purchased some YSL sneakers. I like YSL.
She likes Marc Jacobs. I like Genevieve Jones.
I first saw Jones on style.com, I was like who is this skinny black girl tipping around New York. She's so chic. When Sham & I were in New York this past summer she actually met Jones at an event. I was sick because I should've been the one in the picture.