Item 1.
Item 2.
Item 3.
The first item belongs to D.Brown, yes he eats like none other. He ordered a slice of buffalo chicken pizza, AND a bbq chicken sandwich with a salad. This was not surprising, he always orders 2 entries at restaurants and deli's. I have no idea where he puts it. Nor is that my business.
The second item belongs to the cheek bones, aka Sham. Yes mam Im putting it out there, she can eat and showed it by ordering 2 slices of cheese pizza. True Story: In her low voice, she says "can I have 2 slices of cheese pizza", I look up and give her the side eye and say "really Sham, oh you must be goin for a new look in your photos".
Last but not least comes moi, I had a Redbull please. Oh it's so serious.
The lunch ended quickly because I started to get an attitude after having the smell of fresh pizza smacking me in my face. But the food is always good, visit Slice in Altanta, located on Peters St. And yes I still have that attitude.